What are tears are made of? Why do when we cry or laugh, we cry just the same?Observing snapshots of people crying and laughing, Tom Lutz, author of Crying: The Natural And Cultural History of Tears, noted that tears are shed when the face is "crunched up". I'm sure you would agree that this "crunching up" is common when we both give a generous outburst of laughter and wail in deep sorrow. Shedding tears is also a body's natural way of returning to normal state after a surge of excitation.
Now then, if laughter is best medicine, crying could be a close competitor. What do you think?
Interesting. Maybe that is why I feel the tension is loosen up after crying and a relaxing feeling soothes me up. Hmm... i think it's time to cry again. :p
i agree..its time to cry!
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You should look up Bill Plympton's animation, Where Tears Come From, on YouTube. It's very amusing.
yeah! it's soooo funny! hahaha
Yeahm, i read somewhere that teArs are like the body's toxins so we do need to unload them if needed. Else, we're poisoning our own dear sexy bodies with stuff as lethal as grudges.
kaya ako iyakin, i need to de-stress! =)
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