Thursday, November 27, 2008

They call me that

Thursday, November 27, 2008

yuppie (yŭp'ē)

  • A young city or suburban resident with a well-paid professional job and an affluent lifestyle
  • Acronym for young urban professional
  • The term was popularized during the 1980s to describe young career people having relatively high incomes and education, seeking instant success and gratification, often beyond their financial means
That's according to Mr. (I used to look-up words like that in my thick Webster Dictionary). That's almost me minus the "well-paid" and "affluent lifestyle" (though the latter is debatable). And yes, the "seeking instant success and gratification, often beyond their financial means" is usually true.

I'm 26 and there's also a syndrome called "quarter life crisis" that is usually associated with my age. A lot of words they coin these days. Whatever, all these boil down to my generation's coping and trying to fit in this fast-paced and demanding 21st century.

I've used to work in the city with the "smart-casual" people and their gizmos, fashion, gimmicks, beers and Marlboro lights. It's a fun world yet the lifestyle is too shallow. The mantra is "live for the moment". Suit yourself with whatever will satisfy you. The 15th and 30th of the month is equal to party and shopping. I was in it for a while. And got tired. It's a world where happiness is temporary as it is superficial.

Why is happiness so popular? Is everybody lonely? Why does everyone want it yet never gets enough of it? The Bible says that God has set eternity in the heart of every man. Eternal beings can't find happiness in a world that is temporary. Man is searching for happiness at the wrong places and at the wrong relationships. Only three things in this world will last -- God, His Word and man's soul.

Man must turn to God who made him for a love relationship. He must turn away from sin that causes all his loneliness and frustrations. Sin ruined everything that was good. Unless he lets go and admit his helplessness, emptiness will creep through him. The main issue is sin and the simple yet most important question is, "Are you willing to let go of it?".

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think I'm going through my quarter life crisis at 29! HA!