Thursday, February 26, 2009

Down South

Thursday, February 26, 2009
I had an official trip to the southern Philippines last week (Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon) for our supply chain mapping of 'Solo' papaya. It was my second time in Cagayan de Oro City and my first time in Bukidnon. This trip has been very tiresome yet enjoyable and my most adventurous so far. I had several "first times" during the trip!
  • It was my first time to go to Bukidnon. I knew from my grade-school books that pineapple was the main commodity of this province. True enough, I saw hectares and hectares of pineapple farms. Those farms were contract-grown by Del Monte Philippines. It's also called the Baguio of the south because of it's also an upland province and it's cold climate.
  • While on our way to Bukidnon, there was a place where we are to go through a quarantine "pond," i don't know what it's really called (I had something like that also in one of my undergrad subjects but whatever, I forgot). All who pass through that place have to be 'quarantined.' It's the first province I went to with that quarantine thingy.
  • First time to eat "binaki." Out of curiousity, in one of our stop overs going to Bukidnon, I bought this local delicacy sold in the sidewalk. My guess is it's made of ground corn mixed with milk, wrapped in corn husk and then steamed. I think it's similar to "suman" only that "suman" is made from ground rice.
  • My first time to see a rubber plantation. I was facinated by the row of rubber trees because they look so the same (of course!) and they were of the same height. There was a little black thing attached to each tree that catches the latex.
  • I've never been to a cave before until the Makahambus Cave which is just a few minute ride from the airport (we went there before going back to Manila). The cave served as a hiding place of Filipino Soldiers during the war. The end of this cave is a cliff and down you'll see the river where white water rafters pass. White water rafting is one of the main attractions in Cagayan de Oro.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Passion 2010

Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Going to Hell with Dr. Morrel

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I am reading an old book lent to me by my officemate, More of Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story by Paul Aurandt. It tells the story behind popular stories and news from the past. I'm fascinated because number one, I love stories of people. Second, it's like a backstage pass where get to know about some untold secrets of popular people and happenings.

The story I'll be sharing is one that apalled me. I kinda doubted if it's true but with the turn of events, it seemed like it was. I researched it further and history has documented the role of this doctor to a man who altered history more than I could imagine. Keep reading.

Dr. Theodore Morell. What he lacks in competence is compensated for by charisma. He is introduced to prospective patients socially, makes an impression, and the impressionable are hooked -- eventually, in every sense of the term.

A specific case for your consideration...

Dr. Morrel is invited to a private home. His host complains of intestinal trouble.

The doctor appears concerned; how long has the discomfort been going on?

Intermittently for quite some time.

Nodding pensively and without hesitation, Dr. Morrel offers his diagnosis and suggested treatment.

Later the patient remarks: "Nobody has ever before told me so clearly and precisely what is wrong with me. His method of cure is so logical and I have the greatest confidence in him. I shall follow his prescriptions to the letter."

These "logical" prescriptions include exotic bacteria and hormones and phosphorous and dextrose and beladonna... and strychnine. Not enough strychnine to kill the patient of course. The dangerous if not entirely evil Dr. Morrel requires the depandence of this patient, for money, for prestige... and for his sinister experimentation.

After a few weeks in patient notices an improvement in his condition. his own words are: "What luck that I met Morrel! He has saved my life. Wonderful, the way he has helped me!"

In time, the patient's sense of well-being will be heightened beyond his dreams. For Dr. Morrel will add to his descriptive arsenal -- amphetamines. Speed.

By Morrel's own admission his patient "was really never sick." Not before he was introduced to Dr. Morrel, anyway.

Now it's a different story.

Now the slightest complaint is answered by pills and injections, a variety of medications spanning the questionable to the occult. And the result is shuffling, stumbling, trembling, emaciated, glass-eyed, gray-complexioned shell of a man. A human wreck.

Submerged in a sea of uppers and downers, he sleeps no more than three hours a night. Uneasy sleep.

In months, he appears to age years.

And still he professes his confidence in Dr. Morrel.

Truth is he needs the speed...

In this specific case the "treatments" lasted nine years, astounding considering the quantities of atropine and strychnine and amphetamines consumed by the patient in that period of time.

Twenty-eight types of drugs in all, their direct and side effects compounded. The speed took the highest toll.

We shall never forget nor forgive Dr. Morrel's patient, the man he was in the beginning, the monster he has became. Yet the monumental irony of his association with a megalomaniac physician was that in the end, the master mesmirist was mesmirized, the predator became prey...

The name Dr. Theodor Morrel has dropped into obscurity.

Remembered instead is his patient, a speed freak who spent the kast decade of his life shattered and shaking and with his brains in a basket, the man on earth went to hell -- because of Dr. Morrel.

Hitler was "high."


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Friday, February 6, 2009

Enraged and Dumbfounded

Friday, February 6, 2009
I just watched The Boy in Striped Pajamas tonight and my heart is breaking right now and I'm full of hate. Probably the story of the two 8-year old boys, one a soldier's son and the other a Jew in a Holocaust camp, is fictional. But the concentration camp, the malnourished prisoners in "striped pajamas," the torture and the crematorium... they are all true!! History testifies!

How could a man do that?! How could Hitler's men blindly follow him with such loyalty? Crazy bunch of people! I'm just so enraged right now! I heard Schindler's List tells the same story and I don't want to watch it anymore. I can imagine how it was like. How horrid. How can the German soldiers stomach that?!

I'm full of questions right now. This racism of Hitler. Why does a man wants to be superior from his fellowmen? How could he even think that he's superior? To the extent of killing these so called inferior people? Threat to the purity of their race? What an insecure bunch of vermin! I looked up in the internet about this Auschwitz death camp, the implied setting of the movie, and I just couldn't believe what I found out. Ruthless, evil people.

Like the adults, the kids were only a mere bag of bones, without muscles or fat, and the thin skin like pergament scrubbed through and through beyond the hard bones of the skeleton and ignited itself to ulcerated wounds. Abscesses covered the underfed body from the top to the bottom and thus deprived it from the last rest of energy. The mouth was deeply gnawed by noma-abscesses, hollowed out the jaw and perforated the cheeks like cancer". Many decaying bodies were full of water because of the burning hunger, they swelled to shapeless bulks which could not move anymore. Diarrhoea, lasting for weeks, dissolved their irresistant bodies until nothing remained....
Lucie Adelsberger

I know my rantings won't undo things. But it opened my eyes about knowing the truth and loving your fellowmen, no matter what race or background or culture they may come from. I pray that this won't happend again. Never again...

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Closing Spiel

Thursday, February 5, 2009
I got this from my old old blog that I have made private. I wrote it before I left my work as a technical support representative in a call center. Good times...


To graveyard shifts...
To bottomless ice tea, juice and coffee...
To queuing season...
To daily spams...
To "petix" modes...
To critical work weeks...
To ever-changing metrics...
To kickbacks and fines...
To out-of-this-world computer issues...
To Cable Car nights...
To the Geebras...
To my new friends, and I mean friends...
To my teammates...
To my CNB ("crush ng bayan") Team Leader...
To my headset...
To Indian and Chinese callers...
To irate customers...

This has been Man, have a great day!!

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Travel again!

Monday, February 2, 2009
I'm thrilled! I'm going back to Cagayan de Oro! We are in our initial supply chain mapping of 'Solo' papaya in Southern Mindanao and there are quite a number of large plantations there. It's been almost four months since my last Mindanao trip. The last time was in Davao City for the wrapping up of our mango supply chain project. We'll be there for four days tentatively .

I'm thrilled because of two things. First, because this is a new project (well, relatively) and I'll be interviewing new sets of people. Talking to farmers and traders can be difficult at times but I wanna have a fresh attitude about it. I think I have learned a lot from our mango supply chain project and I hope I'd be savvy this time. Hehe. Second, I'll try to meet with my high school friend and my inaanak. The last time we met in Cagayan de Oro was brief because I was there for just a day. Hopefully we could spend more time together. We'll sure be talking about our plans for our high school batch's grand reunion this coming December.

It's gonna be a busy February!

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