Monday, January 12, 2009

Tag Bug

Monday, January 12, 2009

I have been recently tagged by a fellow blogger, Scott (my first time, actually) so I'm giving it a shot. I'm supposed to reveal six things about me and I have to tag other six fellows to do the same. I'm not really fan of chain mails but I think this one's interesting. Besides, I haven't been posting for almost a week, so now I have something to write about.

Here are six random facts about ManÜ:

  1. I was born with a tooth. Yup! And I myself am amazed and amused. According to my Mom, it was lower middle tooth. How did it happen? I don't know. Can somebody give me an explanation behind this rare phenomenon?
  2. I am living away from my hometown for almost a decade now. From the time I went to college, my longest stay home was about two weeks. Now that I am working, the vacation becomes shorter and lesser. My hometown by the way is Aroroy, Masbate. Probably one of the remotest places in the face of the earth. But there's a gold mine there.
  3. My mother was supposed to name me Ceazar because I came into this world by caesarian birth. I'm the first child of three and all of us were born in that way. I'm also the third Manuel in the family. My grandfather, my father and me... That makes me Manuel III. According to my mother, I was named after my grandfather because at the time that she was about to give birth to me, my Lolo (that's how we call our grandfathers here in the Philippines) had a stroke and few weeks after that, he died. So I was kind of a replacement.
  4. I love to cook! I had this thought after cooking a menu for some hundred hungry bellies, that maybe I'm born to feed people. Haha! Fortunately, most of the time, they appreciate my cooking. I'm famous for my barbecue. I have been giving out my recipe but people just can't make it taste like mine. Haha!
  5. I used to work in a call center for about a year and a quarter. For two months, I spent my nights activating gift cards of people from the other side of the planet. After that, I was a technical support representative. I dealt with various computer (desktop and notebooks) issues -- from turning on a PC to formatting the hard drive. I spent two Christmases taking in calls. I enjoyed the job, though.
  6. I did not take the licensure exam for the degree I finished. I'm an Agricultural Engineering graduate but I chose not to take the board exam because I couldn't see myself enjoying the profession and I couldn't see an agricultural engineer me for another 20 years, not even 10. My rationale is that, so what if I have a title attached to my name if I'm not really practicing it. There's no use. It would just be a title.
Now my turn to tag...


Carnation said...

hi there many thanks for the tag. it's an interesting one

Mariah said...

Thanks for the tag, Man. That was fun. :)

Scott said...

Great Job and thanks for continuing this crazy game! I too love to cook, but I tend to make the family clean up after my mess. Regarding the tooth, some children are just borne with them, sometimes the are called Epstein's Pearls. Not sure what causes it, I just do Emergency medicine. Anyway, thanks again and keep Blogging! If you are ever in the US, you have a friend to visit!

Take Care!


Anonymous said...

I really like your posts.Sorry for taking so long to visit your site, I've been on vacation but I'm back to reading and ranking blogs.My next Top Ten will be posted Tuesday 1/13/09, visit my blog to see if you made it. Thanks for your interest.

Rick (Ratty) said...

You said this is your first time for this game. You did a good job. The first time I did it, I messed it up a little bit.

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

aww..a tag..that's so sweet! :)

anyways, forgive me if ngayon lang ako nakareact and forgive me again if i won't be able to post your tag in my blog right now better read my blog na lang. ahe.

anyways, thanks for this, and by the way, its randomWAHMthoughts. :P

sorry. it's the stupid proofreader in me. *sighs*

Carnation said...

hello again still very busy but next week uuwi ako sa amin so maybe i have time na...

manÜ said...

@mariah: thanks, too!

@carnation: no need to hurry, ma'am. take your time.

@scott: thanks for inviting me in this tagging game. i never knew it could be fun!

@ratty: thanks!! i read your tag response and i really liked it. like what i've said, you're a good story teller.

@kaye: sorry for the misspell. :-)

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

thanks for the tag!!! got an award for you as well. check out my blog :)