Thursday, December 25, 2008

Movie Overload

Thursday, December 25, 2008

So basically, for four days now, I am doing nothing but watch movies all day. It's Christmas day and I woke up late because I slept late. And I slept late because... you guessed it right, I was watching a movie (I didn't finish it actually because I got sleepy... it was almost 1:00 AM).

Eating is at irregular time (which reminds me that I ran out of food in the fridge) and taking a bath is in the late afternoon. So basically, my break from watching movies is eating and taking a bath. Yesterday I had eight movies. As I'm writing this blog, I finished four. The other day I also had four I guess, and three the other day before that.

I just noticed that of the most of the movies I watched were memoirs or based on true stories (Into the Wild, The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, And When Did You Last See Your Father, Luther) and that was not intentional. I also got some romcom (Amor, Knocked Up and The Ex) and a musical (Hairspray... I'm ashamed that one is included in the list. Haha!), I'm doing The Godfather but while I'm in the middle of part II, the DVD just froze on me. So I'm thinking of watching part III tonight without finishing part II. I liked the movie. It is well crafted and I'm no longer curious why everybody who has watched it are all praises to it. It's truly a classic.

I also watched some weird ones like Charlie Bartlett, Hanna Takes the Stairs, La Mala Education and Kubrador. They are all indie movies and you shouldn't take them at face value. The best that I watched so far is The Shawshank Redemption. There's a lot in that movie. I remember one line of that talks about hope. That hope is a good thing and that "good things never die." It's very inspiring and you don't have to experience prison or be a convicted felon to be able to relate to it. It am thinking if the storyline of Prison Break (which is my favorite TV series) is based on it.

So there you go and there are more on queue. I just realized how potent this kind of media is in sending message to this generation and how this generation should be cautious on what messages to take. To look beyond art and to hold fast to our values. Yeah, they maybe showing the reality... and our present reality is a sad one -- with all the perversions and dangerous philosophies and how loose our morals have gone and how God is easily dismissed and His Name blashphemed.

I better take a bath and have a decent dinner. Merry Christmas everyone!


Mariah said...

Don't be ashamed of musicals! Hahaha. I still haven't seen Hairspray; is it any good?

You are right, movies are very potent in sending their paradigms and philosophies into people's lives. So is television; that's one reason I stopped watching tv.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

EVERYTHING is based on shawshank redemption..hehe..its one of my faves. yah know, its a one of the few non thrillers by the talented stephen king.

i also vote for boycott TV!!

but enough with movies, 'ayt? :D

Anonymous said...

I love doing the movie watching for a day thing!!!
God Bless